But this is a great day to try to get going again.
Today, these two lovely girls turn 11 years old.
Well, that pic is from a few years ago...
Here they are today....getting ready to go out for their birthday breakfast with Daddy!
Here they are today....getting ready to go out for their birthday breakfast with Daddy!

Happy Birthday sweet Madeline Hope!
Happy Birthday sweet Megan Joy!
A few fun facts about each girl:
Favorite song:
Megan - "Love as I Loved"
Madeline - "Oh Church Arise" (the song they danced to in their ballet recital)
Favorite singer(s):
Megan - Herbster Trio
Madeline - Gettys
Favorite book:
Megan - "Peanut Butter Friends in a Chop Suey World" or "Flight of the Fugitive"
Madeline - "These Happy Golden Years"
Favorite Activity:
Megan - reading and volleyball
Madeline - ballet
Favorite food:
Megan - pizza or ice cream
Madeline - pizza
Favorite chore:
Megan - sweeping
Madeline - windows
Favorite handiwork:
Megan - sewing on machine
Madeline - wooly things - spinning, knitting, crocheting, weaving
We pray for God's grace in your lives as you continue to grow into the beautiful women He intends you be!
Happy Birthday M&Ms!!!!!!